Thursday, November 27, 2008


Its been a few weeks since my last post, so its that time again for a new update.
As it is getting colder in Canada, I'm pretty sure it is getting hotter here! And the Philippines is in full swing for the Christmas season! I have heard enough Christmas carols and have seen enough Christmas decorations for any one person to handle! Since the beginning of September, Cebu was transformed into a Christmas wonderland and I've been told the Christmas season in Cebu ends at the end of January, so we're not done yet!

This last week, we as the staff of Padala Ministries, had a prayer and planning day from 9 am to 10 pm! Long day, but it was well worth it. We were even able to go through some material from the popular, 'Emotionally Healthy Church' to see how emotionally healthy we were personally and pray for one another in our areas of struggle. It was also a great time of seeking after God as we move forward in this ministry. We also all took out our calenders and planned until the end of the year. This is when I realized I am invited or hosting or singing at 12 different Christmas parties! Filipino's know how to party, so I'm looking forward to this month. When I say know how to party I mean, there is always singing, dancing, roasted pig, games and fireworks! I still have a lot of prep work to do but it should be a great month.

On December 26th, I will be leaving to another island right beside Cebu for a youth retreat for Alliance youth all over the Visyan islands. I will be speaking at a seminar on Worship and facilitating Bible Study groups every day. I'm really looking forward to this retreat and the plan is to bring 4 of my youth from my youth group to this retreat with me.

As part of the onSite program I am in am Ambrose, at some point during each of our internships, the goal is to meet up with other onSiters around your area for a week called extended learning experience. So with my fellow onSiters in Asia (7 others) we have now decided when and where we will be going for ELE. In the first week of Feburary we will all be meeting in Phuket, Thailand for a week of rest and fun together!

I think that is all for updates for now! Life here is amazing. Everyday is filled with new adventures and challenges. I would just like to thank all of you who follow this blog and pray for me without ceasing that I could not be here without you. Your support and meant the world to me. I praise God because I have found this beautiful country of the Philippines to be my new home for these short months I am here. And please continue to pray for God to use me powerfully for His names' sake in the months to come.

God Bless you all.

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