Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Look after the orphans and widows in their distress.." James 1:27

Maayong Hapon one and all!

So we're back safe and sound from our adventure to Mindanao to visit Christian Haven, the orphanage, right in the middle of the mountains! It was so beautiful and became a place of rest for both Rhonda and I. They welcomed us warmly and fed us like Queen's! I had a chance to meet a lot of wonderful people who serve at this orphanage full time and want nothing more than the best for these children. The children range in age from 5 years old all the way to 20. The college aged men and women live in separate housing. It's an amazing ministry. The dorm parents and kids wake up at 4:00 every morning and start with a time of devotionals and breakfast. Then they have to leave by 5 am to commute about an hour by jeep over rough roads in the mountains to get to their school. It's a whole different reality for these children. I was blessed so by their joy for their lives which are now filled with hope! I hope I can go back and visit one day.

The pictures below are pictures from the last week: First is a picture with me and a few of the kids: Romeo, Joy Joy and Jessie. The second is the view outside our front door to the guesthouse

Thank you for all your prayers during our trip. Both Rhonda and I feel great and our colds are all gone! But there is another urgent prayer request: unfortunately during our time away from Cebu, our house was broken into. Thankfully and strangely, only a bank card and book and a bit of jewellery was taken. Laptops, money and passports were all left untouched, praise God! Please pray for continued protection over our house, as we go in and out and for all we invite in. We're not scared, just more aware we need to be more careful.
love you and miss you all,

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