Thursday, November 27, 2008


Its been a few weeks since my last post, so its that time again for a new update.
As it is getting colder in Canada, I'm pretty sure it is getting hotter here! And the Philippines is in full swing for the Christmas season! I have heard enough Christmas carols and have seen enough Christmas decorations for any one person to handle! Since the beginning of September, Cebu was transformed into a Christmas wonderland and I've been told the Christmas season in Cebu ends at the end of January, so we're not done yet!

This last week, we as the staff of Padala Ministries, had a prayer and planning day from 9 am to 10 pm! Long day, but it was well worth it. We were even able to go through some material from the popular, 'Emotionally Healthy Church' to see how emotionally healthy we were personally and pray for one another in our areas of struggle. It was also a great time of seeking after God as we move forward in this ministry. We also all took out our calenders and planned until the end of the year. This is when I realized I am invited or hosting or singing at 12 different Christmas parties! Filipino's know how to party, so I'm looking forward to this month. When I say know how to party I mean, there is always singing, dancing, roasted pig, games and fireworks! I still have a lot of prep work to do but it should be a great month.

On December 26th, I will be leaving to another island right beside Cebu for a youth retreat for Alliance youth all over the Visyan islands. I will be speaking at a seminar on Worship and facilitating Bible Study groups every day. I'm really looking forward to this retreat and the plan is to bring 4 of my youth from my youth group to this retreat with me.

As part of the onSite program I am in am Ambrose, at some point during each of our internships, the goal is to meet up with other onSiters around your area for a week called extended learning experience. So with my fellow onSiters in Asia (7 others) we have now decided when and where we will be going for ELE. In the first week of Feburary we will all be meeting in Phuket, Thailand for a week of rest and fun together!

I think that is all for updates for now! Life here is amazing. Everyday is filled with new adventures and challenges. I would just like to thank all of you who follow this blog and pray for me without ceasing that I could not be here without you. Your support and meant the world to me. I praise God because I have found this beautiful country of the Philippines to be my new home for these short months I am here. And please continue to pray for God to use me powerfully for His names' sake in the months to come.

God Bless you all.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Look after the orphans and widows in their distress.." James 1:27

Maayong Hapon one and all!

So we're back safe and sound from our adventure to Mindanao to visit Christian Haven, the orphanage, right in the middle of the mountains! It was so beautiful and became a place of rest for both Rhonda and I. They welcomed us warmly and fed us like Queen's! I had a chance to meet a lot of wonderful people who serve at this orphanage full time and want nothing more than the best for these children. The children range in age from 5 years old all the way to 20. The college aged men and women live in separate housing. It's an amazing ministry. The dorm parents and kids wake up at 4:00 every morning and start with a time of devotionals and breakfast. Then they have to leave by 5 am to commute about an hour by jeep over rough roads in the mountains to get to their school. It's a whole different reality for these children. I was blessed so by their joy for their lives which are now filled with hope! I hope I can go back and visit one day.

The pictures below are pictures from the last week: First is a picture with me and a few of the kids: Romeo, Joy Joy and Jessie. The second is the view outside our front door to the guesthouse

Thank you for all your prayers during our trip. Both Rhonda and I feel great and our colds are all gone! But there is another urgent prayer request: unfortunately during our time away from Cebu, our house was broken into. Thankfully and strangely, only a bank card and book and a bit of jewellery was taken. Laptops, money and passports were all left untouched, praise God! Please pray for continued protection over our house, as we go in and out and for all we invite in. We're not scared, just more aware we need to be more careful.
love you and miss you all,

Sunday, November 2, 2008

We're off to see the island, the wonderful island of Mindanao!

Dear friends and family,
Unfortunately we no longer have access to Internet where I am living, so it makes it a little more difficult to have regular updates. But as we figure out a new plan, I will try my best to get these out regularly.
It was neat to be able to experience Halloween in Cebu. Two days following Halloween, Nov.1 and 2nd, All Saints Day and All Souls Day, Catholic families go to the cemetery to visit their loved ones who have passed away. In the streets you see thousands of people walking into the cemeteries, lighting candles, saying prayers and offering food and to the dead. What I also saw were Christians with loudspeakers and Bibles and pamphlets telling people to repent right outside the cemetery amongst the crowds! Not quite the same Halloween experience I had growing up that's for sure. But that's why I am here, to experience all these new things and learn from them . Its been something I've asked a lot of Filipino's about, both Catholic and Protestant and there are certainly many different views on the whole thing. Regardless, it continues to be a tradition of the Filipino people.

Last week we also had a Canadian family here visiting and staying with us. We did a mini-missions trip with them. It was great to have them and show them the ministries we are involved in here. They were very gracious and kind and of course brought the good ol' Canadian sarcasm I miss so much!

<-- This is Rhonda and I with the Ardell family from Canada at an art exhibit. We also are with the Ambassador from Canada who was here in Cebu visiting! And we're standing in front of a picture of Niagara Falls! It was truly a Canadian moment so far away from home :)

Tomorrow Rhonda and I are leaving for the island of Mindanao, just south of Cebu, to visit a friend who is the director of an orphanage there. We're really looking forward to this trip. I would love to work in an orphanage one day, so I'm hoping this trip will help open my eyes to the needs and possible future missions opportunity one day.

My language study continues to get better and better. I realize when visitors come that is my gage for how I am doing with it, because I become the translator! And this time I was able to do a lot of translating for them and answer lots of cultural questions. At different points during the week, I was even the one taking them around the city to different ministries. Even just a month ago, I couldn't have done that!

That Language is going well: lots of growth.
Visitors came and left safely: lots of blessings from them and for them.

For our trip to Mindanao: safety and protection in every way
Also, both Rhonda and I have been feeling a bit under the weather with colds, so please pray for healing especially as we travel.

God Bless you all,

p.s. I will put pictures up as soon as I can!