Thursday, March 19, 2009

"Gawasnon ako!" I am Free!

Greetings one and all. I think I have fully come to realize that my time remaining here in Cebu is very short! April.24th is the date I fly back to Canada. Only about 6 more days. Floods of mixed emotions come as that date gets closer. It will be hard to leave all the wonderful people and places of the Philippines but I also look forward to my return to Canada and to Ambrose for my last year.

There seems be a theme of freedom in my life recently. I had the freedom to come here for 10 months and experience a change from the western ideal of life. I saw freedom from riches and wealth, freedom from certain luxuries and freedom to worship God openly. Though at one point, I may have looked at being poor as a bondage, and having money as the freedom, that has proved not true at all. Money isn't freedom, only Jesus brings true freedom! I've been able to live these last many months being free to live out the calling of God on my onSite and it is a wonderful thing indeed.
Filipino’s taught me that people are more important than getting ahead. They taught me that even despite poverty and despair, God is still good. They taught me that there is always time to sing, to dance and to play; regardless of age or status. I was taught that it is possible to eat rice three times a day, every single day without fail! Filipino’s taught me what respect is by the way they treat anyone older than them. Filipino people taught me to be more laid back and to have patience in all circumstances. Finally, God used Filipino people to help teach me that I am valuable. That I have indeed have gifts and skills that were used to bless them. To God be the glory.
These are things I couldn't have learned in a classroom. Though I’m not done yet and there are many things left to be finished, I know I have been given the will and strength to finish here well.
In latest news, Rhonda has now rented a brand new office building for a display centre and training centre for Padala ministries. Instead of having our prayer meetings and staff meetings in her living room, we now have an office room! This is a huge answer to prayer for her. She had this dream for over 10 years and I was here to witness her receive the key to the front door! Just this last week we had a house blessing event where dozens of friends, workers, volunteers and their families were invited to come pray and dedicate the building to the work of the Lord. It was a great turn out and the building is already being booked for training pastors, counselling rooms and workshops. And of course a larger space to display all the Bahandi bags and many other livelihood projects of poor Filipinos. I’m privileged to be here for this chapter in Rhonda’s life and ministry.

I also have lots of plans and ideas as I wrap up my time with the ACF youth group and my youth students I teach at Stepping Stones. In April, I have also been invited to speak at the graduation of the pre-school held at the church during the week.
During Holy Week here in the Philippines for Easter, I have been invited to stay with my language teacher Anita and her family on Bantayan Island. It has a few different purposes, first to meet all of her relatives and enjoy the fellowship with the family. Also, to practice my Cebuano (especially with my teacher as my host) and also witness the biggest Easter tradition and celebration in the Philippines. On Bantayan island, the whole week there are huge parades and festivals which will be a great cultural experience for me. I’m very excited to go.

As you see, there are many praises in my life at this time! But there are also unmet needs.
Please be praying specifically for God’s financial provision. I still have not yet raised all my funds at this time and am unsure of where the remaining funding is going to come from. Please keep this in your prayers. Thank you for your support in every way.

God Bless.


P.S. I will be sending out a newsletter addressing some of these needs by e-mail, so some may be receiving it soon

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